Meet Dr. Golden

Dr. Golden is a licensed psychologist practicing in the Dallas/ Fort Worth, Texas area. Dr. Golden specializes in serving the needs of bariatric surgery patients. She has many years experience helping people regain control over their lives and their weight and is a member of the Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. 

Dr. Golden graduated summa cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania and earned a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. In addition to training at one of the nation's top medical schools and treating a variety of mental health issues in a general clinical psychology practice, Dr. Golden spent several years providing psychological services to bariatric surgery patients in a high volume weight loss surgery program in Dallas, Texas. She has presented psychological information at regional and national bariatric surgery conferences to help educate surgeons and other bariatric professionals. Her extensive experience and expertise make her uniquely qualified to help persons at all stages of their weight loss journey.

Dr. Golden has helped thousands of patients obtain access to weight loss surgery through the pre-surgical psychological evaluation and achieve successful lifestyle changes following surgery through behavior modification training and therapy. She can help you, too. Dr. Golden will be with you every step of the way on your journey to weight loss success and a healthy life.  

Lori Golden, PhD
Clinical Psychologist